We help inventions grow!
For scientists aiming to commercialize their innovations, i&i Prague offers step-by-step support, including market analysis, initial funding, and early industry feedback. We connect you with experts from science, law, and industry to ensure your project’s success. We are your new team member, leading your journey from groundbreaking invention to market-storming product.
Incubation process
Unlock the full potential of your scientific discovery. Our team of experts will provide you with the support you need to successfully commercialize your innovation. Our incubation program includes four basic phases: Idea Evaluation, Pre-Incubation, Incubation and Post-Incubation phase.
The Idea Evaluation lasts a few weeks. It begins with an introductory meeting to assess the project’s fit with our focus. If relevant, a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is signed, allowing the team to share confidential data. After it our team perform an internal analysis of the technology’s scientific and commercial potential. The result is a clear decision: either approval or rejection for entry into our program.
In the Pre-Incubation phase, we tailor each project individually. During the second phase of our program, we provide mentoring and hold regular update meetings to track progress and refine the project’s potential. Then we make a final decision on the project’s involvement in our program. If approved, we proceed with the signing of the Incubation term sheet and incubation agreement.
The Incubation phase is the third step of our program, lasting up to 36 months. We focus on market analysis, creating a business plan, building a team (including a CEO), and developing a proof of concept (PoC) or prototype. We also facilitate investor connections and provide up to €120K in financial support for the startup’s establishment. The result is either the incorporation of a new startup or out-licensing.
The Post-Incubation phase provides ongoing support tailored to the startup’s needs for up to 10 years. Our support includes assistance with business development, access to our expert network, and, if approved, optional investment of up to €150K. The result of the last of our incubation program is either a successful company exit or i&i Prague’s exit from the company.
Contact us
If you are interested in joining our incubation program, let us know. Our incubation program is open for projects from the Czech Republic and Poland.